View Finder
View Finder
The resin lenses are used as view finders in all types of cameras, digital cameras and video cameras. These view finders consist of single, double, triple or multiple lenses. some of them are coated with reflecting coating fitted with illuminating surrounds. the view finder of the multi-focal cameras have the most lenses.
SIDUO has 17 years of history in producing the view finer with resin lens. The company supplies great mount of view finders for camera, digital camera and video camera manufacturers continuously. The following table shows types and relative parameters of view finders which are now available. Our company can design and manufacture them according to supplied drawing and samples in order to meet the requirements of customs.
Address:Xi'an Baqiao Chaoyang Industrial Park Zip: 710025 Tel :0086-29-83385315 (Office) 0086-29-83319014 (Factory) FAX:0086-29-83236416(Office) 0086-29-83310433(Factory)
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